«Η μνήμη του Ολοκαυτώματος είναι ηθικό και ιστορικό καθήκον»
Δήλωση του Προέδρου του Ευρωπαϊκού Συμβουλίου
Παρασκευή,29 Ιανουαρίου 2021,12.47
Πριν από ένα χρόνο, σαν σήμερα, άναψα ένα κερί στο Άουσβιτς για να θυμηθώ τα θύματα του πιο σκοτεινού κεφαλαίου στην ευρωπαϊκή δήλωσε ο Πρόεδρος του Ευρωπαικού Συμβουλίου Charles Michel, στις 27 Ιανουαρίου.Η μνήμη του Ολοκαυτώματος . τόνισε, είναι ηθικό και ιστορικό καθήκον»
Η δήλωση του Προέδρου Michel, στα Αγγλικά
Message by President Charles Michel for the EJA
International Holocaust Remembrance Day event
One year ago today, I lit a candle in Auschwitz to
remember the victims of the darkest chapter in European history.
This tragedy — the systematic and industrial
elimination of six million children, women, and men — is unique in the
history of humankind.
Remembering the Holocaust is a moral and a historical
duty. Not only to pay tribute to the victims. But also to renew our allegiance
to our deepest human values, negated by the perpetrators of this unspeakable
crime, while others remained silent.
Silence is the first step towards acceptance. Since
1945, those who survived the number cut into their skin, did not remain
silent. They testified. They spread the light of remembrance and hope to
future generations.
Soon, there will be no more survivors to testify. This
solemn duty will therefore pass to us, the next generations.
We, Europeans, have a special responsibility to fulfil
this duty. Because it was on European soil that the Holocaust was orchestrated.
And on European soil that the hate of the Jews was nurtured.
This hatred, tragically, continues too often today.
Antisemitism rears its ugly head in Europe. It has, in many ways, become
disturbingly normalised. This is intolerable.
From the darkness of World War II, Europe's founders
built a society based on tolerance, human rights, freedom of religion or
belief, and freedom of expression. Antisemitism has no place in our societies.
We will never tolerate that Jews fear for their safety in the European Union.
Europe without Jews would not be Europe.
Combating antisemitism with full force is our common
duty. Antisemitic speech is hate speech. And we will punish it. We will make
sure that life for European Jews in Europe remains as natural and normal as the
life of any other European, no matter their origin or belief.
Today I take this oath and light a candle, in Brussels, in the name of the European Union. And I hope many others across our continent will light a candle, just as candles are lit in Auschwitz.
We must light this candle every day, respecting this
oath. And defending the values at the foundation of Humanity.
στο: pelazkarabo.blogspot.com – επιτρέπεται
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